Damian spent the best part of his childhood years attending schools that in addition to providing a traditional formal education also introduced studies involving eastern philosophy, Sanskrit, mantra, and meditation, as a means of awakening consciousness to its true nature. This sparked a ‘flame’ that through young adulthood grew into studies of multiple energetic healing arts, Tibetan medicine, tantra, alchemic homoeopathy, and body-based psychotherapeutic practices, as well as travels through India and Egypt receiving initiation into various lineages of enlightened wisdom. 

Drawing on this rich and varied depth of training Damian now works as an artist, healer, and embodied awakening guide, supporting people in the discovery of how they can ground the innate wisdom, love, and compassion of their innermost essence into everyday life, making the extraordinary – ordinary, and the sacred something that is lived, tangibly available and present in each moment. 

As it is his greatest pleasure to support people in meeting the truth of who they are and to witness how that changes lives as old wounds and trauma fall away, leaving space for new possibilities and ways of being in the world to emerge.