Under the guardianship of some of the world’s leading wellness practitioners, Wonderment Retreats will restore balance with deep energy and self-empowerment work.​

Several of our practitioners will also be available to one-to-one sessions throughout the week to service all of your soul, spirit and whole life happiness needs.

Joy Alchemy - Harnessing more joy, harmony, love and wonder into our being.

Our spiritual journey, personal development path and self-mastery adventure can sometimes lead us down some dark, scary roads, deep within, as we confront our shadow self, whilst gathering the wisdom we need to understand who we are, why we are here and what are our purposes.

With our ever-changing world, and new dimensional frequency shifts being felt more and more each day, it is important to be able to align our own metaphysical and inner emotional systems with these changes.

Honouring and balancing our natural cycles of yin and yang by knowing how to navigate from deep yin states of contemplation and reflection, which may sometimes stir our shadow emotions of lack, sorrow, sadness anxiety, and fear, but then having the tools to be able to quickly pivot into yang states of happiness, love, gratitude, joy, and wonder. Joy Alchemy is the process of transforming negative emotions and experiences into positive ones, particularly joy. This may involve cultivating gratitude, mindfulness, and self-awareness, among other practices. A keynote talk on Joy Alchemy may explore these concepts in more depth and provide practical tools for cultivating joy in everyday life.

Exploring the “Fool's Journey” by way of play, spontaneous silliness and wonderment, the JOY ALCHEMY key not talk from Joy Alchemist Chris Fitchew is a beautiful oxytocin-inducing masterclass that gives us the pivoting tools to master our emotions and master a positive outlook.

Archangel Alchemy Healing

Different to most other healing modalities, Archangel Alchemy is a celestial science, channelled by Alexandra Wenman and gifted directly to humanity by the angels. It works by aligning you to pure diamond-rainbow ascension frequencies and the mathematical principles of unconditional love, found in the patterns of creation through sacred geometry, Fibonacci and vortex mathematics.

Includes scientific evidence of angels and a guided meditation to the Archangels to activate your personal angelic aspects and ground your personal heaven on earth.

You will integrate, centre and ground to harmonise with the powerful incoming energies, such as the solar eclipse, solar flares, galactic frequencies, Schumann resonance and higher consciousness evolutionary light codes.

Emotional Mastery with the Alchemical Healing Power of Water

To celebrate the launch of her latest card deck, ‘Water Alchemy Oracle’, alchemist, channel and author Alexandra Wenman will lead you through a beautiful channelled deep healing, meditation journey and sacred water blessing. This workshop is designed to help you gain mastery over your emotions and find your centre during times of rapid energetic or physical change. Assisted by the angels, plus loving celestial and elemental guides, Alexandra will also share important new information about the science of water and its vital role as an amplifier for healing for both ourselves and our beloved planet. Alexandra will also offer simple practical and sacred processes and rituals for you to incorporate into your daily life to help with emotional balance and restore your equilibrium.

Healing Hearts & Minds

This session guides participants on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. An immersive experience combining guided hypnosis and therapeutic exercises to explore and mend emotional wounds from the past, generate deep inner healing and reinstate the innate connection to understanding, forgiveness, compassion and most importantly; self-love.

Manifesting Magnificent Futures

This session harnesses the transformative potential of hypnosis to enable participants to envision their ideal future. By tapping in to the subconscious mind, they can explore alternative versions of the future, unlock potential and clarify personal goals and aspirations. By aligning thoughts, beliefs, and actions they are empowered to manifest the fulfilling and purposeful life they desire.

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a quiet contemplative practice.

It targets the deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues – ligaments, joints, bones, the deep fascia networks of the body and the meridians

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga focuses on posture and breathing techniques, traditionally to channel vital energy source. In Sanskrit, Hatha translates to force. The practice involves breath, body, and mind, and classes

Flow Yoga

This continuous flow of movement and breath generates a meditative state, encouraging practitioners to let go of thought and focus on experience of the present moment. In flow yoga, each movement into or out of a posture is timed with an inhalation or an exhalation in a choreographed sequence.